Why Linux?

After using Windows most of my life, I chose to move to Linux because I am sick and tired of the new direction of Windows. Unfortunately Linux isn't perfect either, it is much more fragile and does not work as well with proprietary stuff.

I am now in the stage of my life where I just want things to work. I don't want to spend time debugging, configuring and fixing issues. Life is too short, I want my computer to work whenever I need it so that I can focus on projects that I find interesting.

This is why my setup is now:


After years of working in the software industry I have realized that software can break in the most absurd stupid ways due to thing that should have no link to each others but yet they somehow do. Absolutely anything and everything can break it and Murphy's Law says that if there is a way for something to break it will. The universe is against you on this, the second law of thermodynamics says that entropy only increases.

When we talk about "Linux" as an OS, we mean a linux distribution, meaning the Linux kernel with a bunch of packages and apps "taped" together.

I said that Linux is fragile, this is probably the main reason. It is not an OS but a collection of OS sharing most stuff but each one is annoyingly a little bit different from each other. Everything is highly customizable, no one has the same configuration, leading to untested use cases and bugs!

On top of that, big components of the OS are developped by wastly different teams of people from all over the world with sometimes hard philosophical opinions, leading to harsh disagreements and even project forks. No wonder it sometimes feels like an inconsistent mess.

This is why I now try to use everything by default. This is the most tested configuration which in theory should have lower chance of stupid bugs.

Why Fedora?




After using it daily for a few years, it is not for me.

Why Gnome?

Why Windows sucks

As a dev environment it is not that great:

Even for casual stuff it is becoming a massive pain to use:

Why MacOS sucks

Why Linux sucks